$objPatch = new Patch(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/a-plugin/code.php');
$objPatch->renameClass("Patched_AClass", "Patched_Patched_AClass"); // just to avoid class redefinition
function default_initialize() {
echo 'my patched function';
$result = new Patched_AClass();
class Patch { private $_code; public function __construct($include_file = null) { if ( $include_file ) { $this->includeCode($include_file); } } public function setCode($code) { $this->_code = $code; } public function includeCode($path) { $fp = fopen($path,'r'); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($path)); $contents = str_replace('<?php','',$contents); $contents = str_replace('?>','',$contents); fclose($fp); $this->setCode($contents); } function redefineFunction($new_function) { preg_match('/function ([^\(]*)\(/', $new_function, $aryMatches); $func_name = trim($aryMatches[1]); // capture the function with its body and replace it with the new function if ( preg_match('/((private|protected|public)?\s?function ' . $func_name .'[\w\W\n]+?)(private|protected|public|function|class)/s', $this->_code, $aryMatches) ) { $search_code = $aryMatches[1]; $new_code = str_replace($search_code, $new_function."\n\n", $this->_code); $this->setCode($new_code); return true; } else { return false; } } function renameClass($old_name, $new_name) { $new_code = str_replace("class $old_name ", "class $new_name ", $this->_code); $this->setCode($new_code); } function getCode() { return $this->_code; } }
Please indicate: 无趣的人生也产生有意思的事件 » php替换部分class操作方法